platformOS for

Platform-based highly flexible digital solutions to overcome inspector shortage, inefficient code enforcement and complicated permitting procedures.

Shortage of inspectors?

Implement a proven online “marketplace”-like platform, where local, qualified inspectors can be easily found, booked and paid.

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Complicated permitting procedures?

Improve customer service with streamlined permitting: collect and validate information, track review processes and get paid - within one solution.

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Lack of proactive and efficient code-enforcement workflows?

Run automated certificate compliance reviews, get detailed inspection and equipment history oversight, and take action if needed

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Case Study Department of Buildings District of Columbia

Tertius marketplace

The Department of Buildings is responsible for regulating construction activity in the District of Columbia. It protects the safety of residents, businesses, and visitors and advances development of the built environment through permitting, inspections, and code enforcement.

The Department faced increased turnaround times for construction inspections, resulting in costly delays for builders.

To solve the problem, DOB partnered with platformOS to build an “inspection marketplace” that easily connects builders and 3rd party state-approved agencies.

On the website - built on platformOS’ enterprise-grade platform technology - clients can easily find, book and pay local inspectors, while the authority can have a clear oversight with easy access to near real-time information, and early warning signals to support building safety reviews.

As a result the authority generates revenue and creates full transparency, property developers can save money due to shorter inspection times and agencies save time and costs due to the seamless scheduling processes.

Learn more about the features and capabilities of the Tertius marketplace
DC Department of Building
75 agencies
8000 users
21k Third-party projects
66k processed permits
92k inspections
Why choose platformOS

Why choose platformOS Government Solutions?

  • Delightful outcomes

    Give seamless experience for all users and stakeholders

  • Easy integrations

    Growing library of 1-click integrations even with legacy systems

  • Be future ready

    Solve for today’s challenges and meet the requirements of the future

The technology of the future: leverage the platform advantage


integrate with any 3rd party applications

PaaS modularity

fast start, scalable, flexible enterprise grade solution

Automated DevOps included

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